LIMITED TIME:  Christmasfy Course is only available for a limited time and will close Dec. 1st at Midnight.
"The Secret is now out! This one marketing strategy helped Double our sales for December!"  
Discover the Secrets Behind It And How You Can Use The Same Tools, Resources, and Marketing Plan To Increase Sales for YOUR Screen Printing Business! 
Introducing the "Christmasfy Bundle"
Templates, Sales and Marketing Tactics, Tools and Resources to "Christmasfy" your clients and prospects into increasing your sales and lifetime value of each customer. These Templates are so easy to use, you can send a new mockup within 10 minutes of getting started.
From the Desk of Tom Rauen
Dubuque, Iowa

Dear fellow Screen Printers,

I started out screen printing in my parents basement shortly after graduating from college. The first several years were a struggle...or should I say a grind. Working 7 days a week, as many free hours as I could find, including some all nighters to hit deadlines and keep the business going. After years of this, I knew there had to be a better way, I simply could not fit any more hours in a day. I dove in and started buying every business and marketing book I could find, attending seminars, joining masterminds, and learning as much as I could. I knew that I needed to leverage the foundation I already built in the business...

According to Jay Abraham, there are three universal ways to grow your business.  The first is to increase your number of customers.  The second is to increase the order size, and the last is to increase the frequency in which they order...

Three years ago, I discovered the power of leveraging National events, viral topics, and trending fashion to grow the number of customers we had, increase the amount they ordered and add 2-3 more orders annually for existing customers...

A customer can simply only buy so many of their regular design and style of shirt, we needed to find a way to give them something more. I jumped on the trend of "Ugly Christmas Sweaters" as the launchpad for repeat business from existing customers and an opportunity to attract new customers with a unique design different from what they've ordered in the past...

This simple change has enabled our business to grow at record pace, recently landing on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies in America the last 3 years...

This stuff works, and it's simple.  I want you to have the same success that I've had, so I decided to put together all the resources, templates, and marketing to offer to you...

The feedback from others who have used this bundle has been amazing. Screen Printers just like You are downloading the templates and sending out mockups within 10 minutes and some getting orders approved in under an hour. WOW! This is the second year I've released this package, and it keeps getting better. The results keep coming in, it this is the tipping point for hitting your end of the year Goal.

The Christmasfy Course is setup so you can implement the tools, templates, and action plan instantly in your business...


Tom Rauen
Tshirt Marketing Innovator
What You're Gonna Get...
Ultimate Template Bundle
There are 45 different Ugly Christmas Sweater templates where you can name drop a logo or name and be ready to go. Most of these were setup as a 1 or 2 color job, to keep things quick and easy printing in a tight crunch during the Holidays, but you can modify to full color if desired or if you have access to Direct to Garment decoration. Load the font list (25 + fonts) and those will help easily type out various Christmas themed fonts for the name drops. Some of the fonts are also icons, so you can use those to fill in or replace the step and repeat icons in the design if needed.
($497 Value)
Christmasfy any design
The tools and resources you need to take any design and Christmasfy it into a Holiday Sweater in a matter of minutes.  We like to call this "Christmasfy Magic".
($97 Value)
Christmasfy Marketing Plan
How to reach new and existing clients and how they can use the "Christmasfy" theme with their logo to market to their end client. Get the history behind Ugly sweaters and why they are crushing it right now, and the flyers and videos we use to promote this campaign.
($497 Value)
Social Media and Email Sales Scripts
This is a two part resource.  The first is how we use social media and email scripts to get clients on board with "Christmasfying" their logo.  The second is the social media and email scripts they can in turn use to promote their business and Christmasfy themed merch to their end clients. Examples of how to find customers on social media looking for Ugly Christmas Sweaters as well as others who are using Ugly Christmas Sweater campaigns for their business.
($397 Value)
Package It up! Upsell and scale!
This is not only for T-shirts and Sweatshirts.  You will discover the promotional products we use to maximize the average order size, package multiple items together, and get the most use out of each design.

This year is officially declared the "Year of the Swag Box!" Custom packaging to ship directly to your clients homes. This is the finishing touch that is sure to leave a lasting impression. Learn all the tips, tricks, and sourcing to make this a truly unique experience for your customers.
($197 Value)
BONUS 1: 21 Days of Christmas Sale!
*Our exclusive 21 Days of Christmas Sale to help cross-promote Screen Printing, Embroidery, and Promotional Products to get existing clients buying more in other areas and get the attention of new prospects.
($197 Value)
BONUS 2: Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday, and Cyber Monday
*People are in the mood to spend money, why not give them the opportunity to spend it with you. See the Holiday weekend specials we deployed to get an extra $15,947 in sales while sitting at home spending the weekend with my family, and the following year $19,284 in just 4 hours at our store with people lined up waiting to get in before we opened! This includes the flyers, gift guides, and FB promotions to generate traffic and sales during a busy holiday weekend.
($297 Value)
Total Value: $2,379
NOW ONLY: $297
This offer Ends in...
About Your Host
Guinness Book of World Record Holder and owner of Envision Tees, Tom Rauen brings his high energy, entrepreneurial spirit to the mix. Sales & Marketing, creative ideas, and the willingness to try anything has elevated Tom and EnvisionTees as one of the top decorated apparel companies in the industry.  Tom is the co-founder and co-host of Shirt Lab, hosting Live events teaching decorated apparel business owners sales and marketing. Envision landed on the Inc. 5000 list for Fastest growing companies in America in 2018, 2019, and 2020.  
Tom Rauen
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